Wednesday, December 3, 2014

DIY Winter Mobile

Was für eine schöne Idee! Für alle Bastler und "ich-will-probiers-BASTLER"
eine kleine Auswahl an Schnittmustern! Viel Spaß beim nachmachen.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

15 tolle DIY Geschenkideen

14 DIY XMAS Geschenkideen

Bist du genauso im Bastelfieber? Zumindest habe ich 14 schöne DIY Geschenkeideen nur für dich!
Und da ist für jeden was dabei - Für Freund oder Freundin, Mutti, Vater... usw. Und glaube mir du wirst nicht enttäuscht sein! Viel Spaß beim durchschauen und nachbasteln.

Welches ist dein Favorit? Lass es mich wissen!

Keks im Glas

Kakao Rudolf im Spritzbeutel

Schaal mit Twist

DIY Teelichtglas XMAS Muster

Selbstgemachter Limoncello

persönliche Tasse <3

Heißer Kakao Mix

Kakao in der Kugel

Schöne Verpackungsidee

Kakao am Löffel

personalisierte Gläser

Lebkuchenhaus  für den Kaffeekranz

selbstgezauberte Votivkerzen

DIY Schmuck Armband

 Ich hoffe ihr hattet Spaß beim durchschauen und viel Inspiration beim durchscrollen!

Friday, November 21, 2014

DIY Weihnachtsbäumchen

Was für eine schöne und süße Idee zum Dekorieren!
Viel Spaß beim nachbasteln!
Gesehen auf (

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hazelnut chocolate cake{ low carb}

After studying and trying a tons of sweet low carb recipes, i found out that my weight started to gain -.-
dahhh! yahh! ok it was like 2-3kg but I'm back on track of loosing weight! I was really happy of joining the sweet side of low carb.

It was important for me to try the variety of almonds/hazelnuts, which dough i could prepare, am I able to bake croissants with almonds or quiche dough???  My impression - it's easy to change the flour to almond flour, but the consistency is not the same, as flour cakes, but it tastes delicious.
So here's my first summer low carb chocolate cake!

So here we go!


200 gr Almonds/Hazelnut flour
2 egg whites
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
30gr coco powder
4 tblsp xylit

butter cream frosting:

150gr butter
100gr coco powder
1-2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp stevia (liquid)

1. beat the egg whites until foamy and preheat your oven up to 200°C
2. mix hazelnut flour with salt, baking and the coco powder until confirmed
3 now fold the egg whites into the hazelnut-coco mixture an fill into your baking form
4 now turn down your oven to 170° and bake the cake for 15-21 Min's
5 let the cake cool down and mix butter&sugar until combined and fluffy
6 add the coco powder, stevia and the vanilla extract
7 now decorate the cake with the butter cream and add the raspberries - voila!

Hope you'll love it as I do!

Cheers Chirs

Our Low carb Story

one year passed by since we started with low carb
We both were at a point were we haven't been happy with our weight.
May I mention before we lived in a flat share, all of them were boys and I joined that living.
It was quiet funny and relaxing, no big bitch fight etc..but i was used to cook every day... but I loved the new simple way of "fast-food-cooking"  in my new life in munich :).
My weight increased a lot and fast! I'm not a sport junkie so I searched for varieties to get in shape :)
Finally I found Atkins and read a lot about it. I was amazed and wanted to start immeadiately.

You got 4 phases.

I'll give you an short overview

Phase 1 brings your body to 0, also called ketose. It's hard to abdicate carbs (Rice, Potatoes, Flour...)
It feels like driving your car against a wall... a big outch!
You are allowed to eat a lot but you need to know what.. It was kinda hard to learn how many carbs every ingredient has... because in phase 1 your limit is 12- 15 carbs a day.

This is just a recommendation:

Breakfast (which I don't do)
egg & bacon and Tea, coffee, water

Chicken Salad

Steak with salad

We hadn't yet the chance to reach phase 3 because 8 weeks after starting, we went to Las Vegas for 2 weeks and it was kinda hard to abdicate the carbs... It wasn't possible for us to eat low carb so we decided to start after Vegas...yahhh.. then came Christmas.. and our Parents had no sympathies for low carb... nhaa.. so new year! We started from 0, it felt like 1000 times! But now we're on track and phase 2 is now on a high level. Phase 2 can go from 2 weeks up to 10 weeks or more. I'll write an extra Post about the Phases in detail.. and my impression. Phase 2 is now a forming phase, this phase will shape you and the carbs get an upgrade from 12-20, you'll ajust 5 carbs more every week. If you weight gains you'll need 2 downgrade untill you got you "goal-weight". So here's a small Photo collection from last year until now, hope you can see a little difference. :)

cheers Chris
Juli 2012 (before Low carb)

Christmas 2012
April 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Leberkäse meets Avocado {low carb appetizer}

Leberkäse is a type of meet in Bavaria/Austria. And it's yummie!
But the typical way to enjoy it, is in a Bun and some mustard.
But Buns aren't low carb ;) so you'll need to get creative.

I stood in the kitchen hungry as always and tried to experiment. I love Avocados and... could I compare them? Let's try! While mashing the Avocados I thought about giving them a new taste, how about some lemon juice and a bit of balsamic vinegar? The cream gets a bit of a fresh sourness you can spice it up with some chillies or some herbs. But I prefer it that way :)


100 gr Leberkäse
1 Avocado
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 half Lemon

1 fry the meat until it's roasted
2 mash the avocado and mix all other ingredients
3 coat the avocado cream and layer the meat
4 enjoy!

hope you'd enjoyed my new low carb recipe.

cheers chris