I would say he's a friend from Google plus or better a nice blogger colleague.
He recommends me recipes and gives me good feedback for my posts. I really appreciated that.
So give a warm welcome to Dirk. A passionated hobby chef! Here's a short Foody-CV.
He recommends me recipes and gives me good feedback for my posts. I really appreciated that.
So give a warm welcome to Dirk. A passionated hobby chef! Here's a short Foody-CV.
Name: Dirk Reul
Age: 37
Job: Service Manager Finance IT
What is your job and why?
The challenge to work in complex environments with demanding customers, combined with international contacts and a very high degree of personal responsibility. This job is absolutely perfect.
The challenge to work in complex environments with demanding customers, combined with international contacts and a very high degree of personal responsibility. This job is absolutely perfect.
What is your favorite food?
My favorite dish is very simple, with cumin, sugar, salt and fennel. Marinate overnight pigs Bach (Wammerl) which needs to be cooked at low temperature for a few hours and end up crispy fried by barbecue. Here are simple spices combines with a pure flavor of meat to a juicy and tender it still incredibly tasty meat dish, which is highly suitable as a sandwich filling or in Ramen let.
Do you have a favorite drink? And why?
I love good coffee, it will fit perfect to desserts or after dinner. The properly roasted beans variety, combined with the appropriate method of preparation and a few spices, produce the subtle nuances of good coffee and of course they are comparable to a few other beverages.
Do you have a favorite place?
My apartment, my own retreat. The place that I've set up the same way, it meets my taste.
What is your constant companion?
My smart phone, somehow the little electronic helper has become the essential tool.
Pear and Gorgonzola Risotto with roasted Walnuts
Pear and Gorgonzola Risotto with roasted Walnuts
Today's dish a real
Italian classic, combining the the spicy, piquant flavour of the Gorgonzola
with the sweetness of the caramelized pears. There is even a saying in Italy
“al contadino non far sapere quant’è buono il cacio con le pere” (don’t let the
farmer know how good cheese is with pears). This is a beautiful combination. For those afraid of strong
cheese, this is not the dominant flavour, it is the mix of savoury and sweet
that is a true pleasure, go ahead try it. Add less cheese if you are afraid and
increase the amount until you are satisfied.
(2 servings)
- 150g Carnaroli rice (risotto rice)
- olive oil
- 250ml dry white wine
- 1 shallot
- 1 leek
- fresh ground black pepper
- 40 g butter
- 60 g Parmesan
- fresh Thyme
- small handfull of Walnut cores
- 1 Tbs of brown sugar
- butter
- 80g of Gorgonzola
- 2 ripe pears
- 1- 1,5 l of boiling vegetable stock (or chicken)
Mise en Place
- peel the shallot and mince it finely
and cut the cleaned leek into thin
- bring the stock to a
- gently roast the
Walnut cores in a non stick pan, do not burn them
- peel the pears, remove
the core and cut into bite sized cubes
- heat a Tbs of butter
in a non stick pan and saute the pear cubes for a
few minutes, add the sugar and
caramelize them gently, put aside
- grate the Parmesan and
pull off a tsp of thyme tips, put aside
Heat the olive oil in a
pot, add a tsp of butter, add the chopped onions and leek, stir and cook until
translucent. Add the risotto rice and stir until translucent, after about 3
minutes of gentle stirring add the white wine, stir and wait until the liquid
has been soaked up by the rice. Start adding the stock until the risotto is
covered, stir occasionally and keep adding stock and stir from time to time.
Try the risotto after
about 15 minutes, it is supposed to be soft on the outside and still have some
bite in the middle all the while already being creamy. Add the Gorgonzola and
pears and keep stirring until the cheese melts and the pears are warmed
Turn off the heat and
add the Parmesan and thyme tips along with a tsp of butter. Stir and put the
lid on the pot. Let it rest for about two minutes. Season with salt and fresh
Pepper to your liking.
Serve with a fruity,
chilled white wine and add the roasted walnuts along with some fresh thyme
Thanks for giving me the chance to contribute, Christine. Cheers!