Sunday, May 5, 2013

give me lemons- i give you salted tartes

Yay! I love lemon curd!
There's no better way to enjoy lemon curd on a toast, ok there are thousand ways to enjoy lemon curd but the easiest and fastest way is on a toast.
But how about a yummie salty mini tarte? served with cream cheese?
This time i used a salted dough / bread dough. Why shouldn't I turn my toast into a tarte? Because guests don't expect it ;) they think its a sweet lemon tarte and they're pretty amazed! Try it!
Ok here we go, what you'll need for the lemon curd. If you interested for the salted dough you'll find it here.

  • juice of 4 large lemons
  • 4 eggs
  • 320 gr sugar
  • 220 gr butter
  • spoon of corn flour


1 Whisk the eggs
Pour the eggs into a saucepan and lightly whisk.

2 Add remaining ingredients
Whisk in the sugar, lemon zest, lemon juice, butter and corn flour.

3 Make the lemon curd
Place the pan on a medium heat and whisk continuously for 7-9 minutes until all the ingredients melt and eventually thicken.
Once thickened lower the heat, whisk for one more minute and remove from the heat.

4 Store
Carefully pour the lemon curd into a sterilized jar and leave to cool. Store in a cool, dry place. It will keep for 2-4 weeks.

Hope you like it!
Cheers Chris

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